How We Make Our Products Matter
A glass of Milk won’t change the world, but how we make it might.
Scroll through the page to see how our milk goes from grass to glass.
Everything starts with care for our cows.
The better and more comfortable the cow feels, the higher is the milk yield and better is the quality of milk which we are proud to source from our own farm that provide us milk from cows not treated with added growth hormones like rBST.
Our cows eat our own feed grown on our own land in a warm comfortable climate year round. This low-stress life means they produce lots of milk naturally.
Milking does a body good.
Our modern milking systems do not cause any discomfort. These systems leave some milk in the udder. It is needed for the animal’s well-being and generates fresh milk.
Tanker trucks arrive here at the Creamery, loaded with raw milk from our nearby farm. Like giant Thermos® bottles on wheels, each one holds 5,300 gallons and keeps the milk chilled over many miles, no matter how hot the outside temperature gets. As soon as each tanker pulls in, samples are drawn from the milk inside.
No milk is ever unloaded without passing this test. Within a matter of minutes the results are received and, if the milk passes the test, the pumping can begin. By law, the tanker trailers have to be cleaned out every 24 hours. The milk is pumped into huge silos where it is held until it's ready to be processed.
In the pasteurization process, the milk is heated to over 160 degrees F, kept there for 15 seconds and then rapidly cooled to 35 degrees F. This eliminates any microorganisms that could cause diseases or accelerate spoilage. The graphs on the outside of the machine make a record of this process. The homogenizing tank makes the milk consistently smooth. Under lots of pressure, it whips any butterfat into very tiny particles that are too small to separate from the milk.
Our Flavoroligists work tirelessly to develop flabvors using real fruit and natural ingredients. It's a thoughtful process that ensures we make the greatest tasting dairy products in the world.
In the last step before the product flows to the filler machines, it's run through a chiller to make sure the milk remains cold and holds its freshness.
Filler machines flow the finished into the containers and either spin on caps or seal the cartons.
From here the products are palletized and moved to cold storage. These rooms are often as big as a dozen residential homes. The people who work in these rooms dress as if it was winter, even in the middle of July! Once it passes Quality control for fresh, pure and nutritious taste, it is shipped around the world.